LaBante London recently had the privilege of chatting to Christen Gerhart. Christen is a TV host, magician and vegan who in 2015 launched A Harmless Project to promote cruelty-free, chic fashion. Read on to find out more!
What inspired you to go vegan?
At first it was health; I got really sick about seven years ago and nothing was helping. I was facing some pretty dire consequences and invasive options for a cure but I didn’t want to have to resort to those. So, I cleaned up my diet by going vegan and eliminating processed foods.
Over the following two years, I healed completely and I’ve never looked back since! veganizing my diet very quickly lead to veganizing my entire life from my wardrobe to my personal care items and everything in between.
How do you like to relax, when not working on something?
I love to garden! I grow peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, avocados, lemons, and loads more. I love having a relationship with nature and I find it both relaxing and deeply satisfying.
What would be your main advice to someone trying to go vegan?
Don’t get overwhelmed! I found it easiest to start by finding vegan substitutes for the foods I loved instead of just cutting out the things I liked to eat. I think it’s easier to stick to a diet when you enjoy the foods you’re eating instead of trying to ignore your cravings. Vegan options are everywhere and they’re delicious!
Over the years, your tastes change but it can be a very gradual process, don’t judge yourself when starting a new diet. Go slow, do research, and start out by making healthier, vegan versions of what you already eat. Then, as time progresses, your tastes will change, your knowledge base will grow, and you’ll find your rhythm with veganism to branch out.
Is sustainability an important part of your profile?
Absolutely, for me, sustainability and veganism go hand in hand. When I started out as a vegan I became more aware of the impact we have on the planet and the cleaner vegan lifestyle inspired me to clean up the rest of my practices as well. It can be a struggle but I think the most important thing to remember is that every little bit helps.
One of the worst mistakes we can make is to think that because we’re only one person, our extreme efforts of recycling or sustainability won’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Please don’t adopt that mentality! I think change inspires change and the more effort we put into sustainability, the more contagious it becomes!
What are the new fun things you are working on, in your career as an actress?
I’ve got a few irons in the fire with respect to magic and acting.
What is your pet peeve?
I can’t stand when I see people litter or spit on the ground. Please clean up after yourself, and respect the planet and the people around you!
What do you love doing in your spare time when you are not working or posting on Instagram?
If I’m not in my garden, I’m either at the beach reading a book or in the mountains hiking.
What is the most terrifying thing you have ever had to do?
Going back to school to earn my second degree. Working full time and going to school full time is incredibly taxing but so worthwhile!
If you were to choose your top three bags from LaBante which one would those be?
Don’t make me choose! I guess if I have to…
- Dawson
- Mae
But I love them all!
What are your plans for the future? Are you planning to do more videos or is there anything specific you are working on for 2019?
I’m actually conducing lots of scientific research at the moment and hoping to have a few publications out by 2020. Videos are on hold for the moment as I progress through the academic jungle toward my career goals in science. I’ll be back with them soon but I’ll still have blog posts in the mean time!